AI, machine learning, and what they can do for your business

Alex Pommier
/ Categories: Tech News, Tools
AI, machine learning, and what they can do for your business 2117

Everyone is speaking about it but few people know…
No, it’s not your coffee maker waking you up at 7am with the sweet smell of coffee nor Walmart replacing their human cashiers with self-service kiosks…

The concept of AI was introduced in 1920 by a British analytic philosopher, but its only in the 90s with Logic programming that we started to improve algorithms, artificial intelligence and machine learning in domains like speech recognition, military surveillance and security.

Today the definition of AI and ML is “the simulation of human intelligence by a computer system capable of learning from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human tasks”. This level of AI & ML is all around us in self driving cars and drones, speech recognition, medicine, surveillance, even on your mobile phone and personal assistant, but all these AI & ML applications are classified as “Narrow” or “Weak”. Computer power is the engine of AI so Quantum computing along with other future processing capabilities such as biological and neuromorphic computing are likely to push AI to a more natural, more human-like level in the near future. Learn more about the future of AI

Now, about artificial intelligence and how we can use it to improve your business. You will be surprised to know how AI optimization algorithms and well-placed calls to action can attract more visitors, convert them into customers, and automate your business management process, saving you money and improving your communication, customer support, and ROI. And yes, it’s affordable!

Let us show you how!

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