Protect your Website from Bitcoin Mining Hackers

Nathalie Pommier
/ Categories: Tech News, Trending
Protect your Website from Bitcoin Mining Hackers 2298

RedLock Cloud Security Intelligence, a team of elite security analysts, data scientists, and data engineers, recently released a report on cloud security trends from June through September 2017. The report exposed major threats and vulnerabilities in public cloud computing environments, including hackers who were using Amazon Web Services (AWS) computing resources to mine bitcoin.

According to the report: “The investigation began when the RedLock CSI team found a number of Kubernetes administrative consoles deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform that were not password protected. These instances were effectively open to the public and created a window of opportunity for hackers. Having a configuration monitoring solution in place across the cloud computing environments could have exposed this serious misconfiguration.

Upon deeper analysis, the team discovered that hackers were executing a Bitcoin mining command from one of the Kubernetes containers. The instance had effectively been turned into a parasitic bot that was performing nefarious activity over the internet.”

Cyber attackers, known as botnets, are running mining software on computers and injecting code onto websites to generate bitcoin completely under the radar of victims.

Stay vigilant, stay safe.

It’s imperative to constantly monitor cloud computing environments and web applications for misconfigurations, as well as the user activity and codes running on your website to ensure that all suspicious activity is quickly contained. We also highly recommend the regular update of passwords and access keys. At Quick Social, we take these precautions very seriously with 24/7 monitoring protocols and immediate responsivity. Contact us today at 727-725-1333 about upgrading your business website with the latest marketing and security features for 2018.

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